All things baby: Best Baby Apps for New Parents

We live in a modern world, and with that literally comes an app for EVERYTHING. So here we are – my take on the best baby apps right now.

Whether your just found out you are expecting, whether you only have a few weeks left, or even if you are a few weeks into you new mum life, I have compiled my top pregnancy and baby apps.

Hopefully there is one in here that you will find useful – let me know!

Best baby apps: #1 Peanut


This is a brilliant app, and one that I am still using myself (even with a 9 and 12 year old we still need these things!)

Think dating app for mums.

Swipe to match or discard.

You set the distance you are ok with travelling to and the app will show you mums/mums to be in your area and you can read a little about them. If you both swipe then you can make contact.

Sounds great right?! It is – as a self employed mum of two I do struggle on the social side of things and this has been a bit of a lifeline. I have actually met a good friend through this app.

Probably my favourite.

AVAILABLE FOR: ios and android

COST: Free with paid extras

best baby apps
best baby apps

#2 Pregnancy+


Pregnancy+ is a fab and fun way to track your pregnancy from week to week.

What I loved most about this app was the baby size guide – it shows baby’s size equivalent in relatable ways ie a piece of fruit! Super fun and funny on some weeks.

But aside from the fun aspect there is also lots of fab information on what to expect from week to week, from how you might be feeling to how your baby is developing.

There is even a baby name section which is great for those who like to plan ahead (or those who need some suggestions?!)


AVAILABLE FOR: ios and android

COST: Free with paid extras

Best baby apps: #3 Baby+


You guessed it – the follow on from pregnancy+!

You are able to track your baby’s growth and weight, learn which milestones you could expect to see met from week-week and month-month.


There is so much information and support available through this app, from birth recovery to breastfeeding advice.


Not to be missed!


AVAILABLE FOR: ios and android

COST: Free with paid extras

best baby apps
best baby apps

#4 Baby Shusher


Next on our list of best baby apps: Baby Shusher!

If you have ever had a newborn session with me then you already know how I feel about this app!

There is no way I would have made it through the first few weeks without this. It’s literally the best!

It’s great for normal white noise as it’ll dampen noisy siblings but even better when you have a crying baby.

A good confident SHHHHH without tiring yourself out.

Several timer options for more prolonged periods of crying – Phoebe was like clockwork every night 6-12 and this was a godsend.

Worth the money!

AVAILABLE FOR: ios and android

COST: £4.49

#5 Bibino monitor app


This is a super app for when you are away from home visiting family etc.

In a nutshell, it will turn any 2 devices into a monitor and call to let you know if baby is stirring or waking.

You can even talk through it to soothe baby back to sleep.

We used it while we were on holiday in our villa, as taking the baby monitor from home seemed like a bit much to pack. It kept us all fully in the loop whether our nephew was sleeping or not.

AVAILABLE FOR: ios and android

COST: £28.49 per year

best baby apps

I really hope that you guys find some of these useful. They are definitely worth checking out anyway.

Obviously there are loads of other options out there right now, and more being added all the time.

The apps that I have listed here are the ones I have used personally, or that my lovely sister-in-law Angela has used for her little boy.