Preparing For Your Newborn Photoshoot: Top 5 Tips to Prepare

If you have found this blog post then there is a very good chance you are having a baby very soon! Congratulations!

I’m sure so many people have already told you to enjoy every moment as it goes so fast – it really does! It doesn’t feel so long ago it was me, and now my girls are almost 14 and 11. And there is no rewind button sadly. So I understand why we need to document this amazing time in our lives before it is gone forever.

A newborn photo session will freeze the gorgeous, sleepy, snuggly newborn stage, enabling you to go back there whenever you want to (or need to!)

Here are my top 5 tips to prepare for your newborn photography session. No matter who you ultimately decide to book with, I hope you have an amazing newborn photoshoot.

Newborn Photographer in Huntingdon

Schedule Your Newborn Photography Session Early

Babies arrive when they want to, they don’t worry about anyones schedule! So you have a predicted due date, and thats the best we have to go on. The reality is that we may be shooting a few weeks either side of that.

Scheduling your newborn session while you are still pregnant is absolutley crucial, as many photographers are unable to accomodate last minute bookings for babies that have already arrived. Most newborn pictures are done within the first few days (mine are when baby is between 5-14 days old) and normally take about 3 hours to complete.

The majority of newborn photographers take on a limited number of newborn due dates per month, to ensure they have the flexibility to fit everyone in once the babies arrive.

Choosing the right time to shoot your session is important too.

Getting your date firmed up with the first two weeks of your baby’s life will be good for two reasons.

1 – You’ll be able to attend the session together while both of you are on leave.

2 – Your baby will still be very sleepy, as they rarely spend more than a few hour awake throughout the whole day. Meaning you can sit back, relax and enjoy the session for a few hours while your photographer works with your little one to create some beautiful newborn images.

My families are booked based on their due date initailly, with their newborn shoot date being decided once their baby has arrived. This allows me to be fully flexible and capture the baby while they are a true newborn, and avoids blocking out multiple dates in everyones diary. I schedule my newborn sessions between day 5 and day 14 typically, with a start time of 9.30am.

Newborn Photographer Huntingdon

Your Baby’s Comfort is Key (and my number one priority)

Your newborn photoshoot will likely be a very warm experience!

My studio is heated to around 25-26 degrees to ensure your baby is warm and comfortable throughout. They are used to being very warm and cosy in the womb, so us stripping them down to their nappies would be really chilly for them if we didn’t heat the studio that bit more for them.

Once your baby is nicely asleep, the magic can then begin! Your baby will be photographed in a variety of different poses and setups. Your baby is the boss on the day and your photogrpaher should follow their lead. Thats how it works in my studio anyway!

Over the past 10 years I have done numerous refreshers and top up training days on how to pose and work with a newborns safety in mind.

A Nice Big Feed to Start

Giving your baby a nice big feed right before their shoot will hopefully mean that they are very sleepy and content for the duration. This “milky-drunk” state is the key to a posed newborn session and will help us along the way to some breathtaking images.

Occasionally, a baby will make us work a bit harder but in general, this is a great way ensure a smooth session.

Do Your Research

Its so important to ask questions and do your research before booking your newborn session. There are endless options available locally, and not all of them will give you the results you desire. Its more than just budget (but I 100% understand and accept that sometimes it is a big factor) and that is why I am happy to offer a payment plan to anyone who would like one.

I’ve been photographing newborns for over 10 years now, I love it. And I’d love to hear from you if you have an interest in working together with your little one.

Pop me an email over here if you’d like to have a chat.