Reopening After Lockdown 3

I am so excited to reopen, this latest lockdown has been absolutley BRUTAL. We have homeschooled again. We have had deliveries rather than going out to the shops. And it has been winter. Winter weather affects me most normal years, so the fact that we have had to remain in our homes without the usual social interaction has been incredibly difficult.

Now we have a rough timeline for ditching these restrictions I do feel so much more positive, even though they are not definite dates, I am happy that I know the plan.

So I have now had time to put together my plan for reopening my business. And not just reopening my business in gerneral but reopening my BRAND NEW STUDIO!

Seperate blog post to show you that very soon!

reopening after lockdown 3: what you need to know.

So let me explain…

The studio is probably going to smell of dettol – if you had a session with me after the last lockdown then you already know that! Absolutley everything will be washed/cleaned before you visit – if its wipeable it will be wiped. If its not washable or wipeable then it will be sprayed with disinfectant.

I will be leaving a day in between all of my clients, this is to allow me to open up the doors when you leave and air the entire room. It allows me time to clean everything and also allow time for the room to just be empty. This may seem a little O.T.T. but with most of my clients being babies I feel it is better to go a little overboard here.


There will be sanisiter for you to use on arrival and for you to use as much as you like throughtout the session. I will have my own bottle right next to me that I will be usuing thoughout too.

I will be masked – I have decided to keep this in place on a permanent basis when shooting newborns due to the close proximity to these tiny little people. I ask that you also wear a mask (as this is still the rules) unless you are being photographed. If you are exempt, I do request a face shield. I ask this because this protects me and my family, and in turn protects you guys too.

Standard practice for me is that all of my props are wiped down after use, and anything that is washable is washed. For those things in the studio that can’t be wiped or washed they will be sprayed with disinfectant.

Bookings now open!

Booking is now open for all session types –

Priority is being first given to prebooked newborn clients.

Sweet Baby Photography specialises in newborn and baby photography. Based near Huntingdon & Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.